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A nice dive into Kelly Thans’ world

Rédigé par leral.net le Dimanche 17 Janvier 2021 à 10:00 | | 0 commentaire(s)|

Do you think that life under lockdown is tasteless? Try Vocal Life of a Kelly for a change! This young singer from the Netherlands certainly knows how to deal with emotions and the madness of this world. Behind the scenes and the dark, a light. Let’s go girls.
A nice dive into Kelly Thans’ world
E.V. Hello Kelly, can you tell me about you please?

K.T. Hi Elise! I’m from the Netherlands actually! Specifically, from the South-West part. I grew up living in a small village. I already started singing when...

Source : https://www.podcastjournal.net/A-nice-dive-into-Ke...