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[Audio] 3 Sénégalais dont une femme sur la liste des condamnés devant être exécutés par Yayah Jameh

LERAL.NET Le président Yaya Jammeh avait annoncé dimanche dernier que la Gambie va exécuter au mois de septembre prochain tous les détenus condamnés à mort.

Rédigé par leral.net le Vendredi 24 Août 2012 à 11:20 | | 12 commentaire(s)|

[Audio] 3 Sénégalais dont une femme sur la liste des condamnés devant être exécutés par Yayah Jameh
Sur les 47 détenus visés par cette sentence, le journal Le quotidien informe que figurent 3 sénégalais. Djibril Ba, Saliou Niang et Tabara Samba. Cette cernière est d’ailleurs la seule femme parmi les 47 détenus devant être exécutés. La France et la Communauté internationale et des organisations de défense des droits de l’homme avaient fermement condamné cette décision du Président Gambien. Un bissau-guinéen, deux maliens et deux nigérians sont également sur la liste.

1.Posté par sylla le 24/08/2012 12:41 | Alerter
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celui qui regne par des arme périra par des armes en verité;tôt ou tard on va tuer yaya par des armes .

2.Posté par solution au lit le 24/08/2012 13:46 | Alerter
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3.Posté par kanilai le 24/08/2012 14:25 | Alerter
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Proposed Demonstration against death penalty in the Gambia
By The NIA Intelligence Officer
Hi Pa,
The Intelligence Officer again with a message for the Gambian People because, I was approached by an executive member of a strong youth organization in KMC to seek advise on their plans to make peaceful demonstration to show their opposition to the implementation of the death penalty. He said he knows they will not be given permit by the Inspector General of Police (IGP) and they do not want to decline from their plans because they are willing to go ahead with their plans.
I confirmed to him that with the present situation on the ground and the confused status of the President, permission will never be given to you by any IGP so they should go as planned and start spreading the information in the country and outside for more support.
Pa, it is planned this way: they are urging everybody to assemble at Westfield from Tabokoto, Latrikunda, Tallinding, Kanifing Ebotown and Jeswang areas and people from beyond Tabokoto to Brikama end can take transport and join them along the way.
Another group will assemble at the Traffic Light Junction, whilst another group will assemble at theBurusubi Turn Table Junction. Pa, this is clear: the demonstration is peaceful and the all the groups will assemble by 1000 hours and start moving by 1100 hours and they will move in this way, the West field group will move to the American Embassy, the Traffic Light Junction group will be moving to the American Embassy to meet with the West field group and from there will proceed to the British Embassy in Fajara.
The Burusubi Turn Table Junction group will move straight to the African Center for Human and Peoples Rights to be joined by other people from Kerserign, Kololi, Kotu and the surrounding. The demonstration is planned to be held on Monday 03, of September 2012 and is for all Gambians to participate irrespective of tribe or religion.
The campaign rest in the hands of all Gambians especially the families whose loved ones are to be killed or detained, missing/disappeared, killed, forced on exiled, etc. They want every Gambian whether in the country or outside should call, text or communicate on facebook to convince each other to be out on this day especially those friends and families outside.
The politicians should be in the forefront of this noble intention to save lives. The followers of Bakawsu Fofana and Dino Hydara should not be left because I know they are eager to see their Imams.
I am a security officer and many of my colleagues are behind you especially the military, who are the number one victims of all atrocities committed by Yaya Jammeh and his government.
Warning to the security Agencies: be careful and be very sensitive to people’s rights to show their feelings peacefully, but we the security should only provide them with security and move with them.
A word of caution for the security chiefs that if you give any unreasonable orders you should know that you will be responsible for the outcome of your wrongful orders and the junior officers if you take any wrongful orders remember you will be judged separate from your boss who gave the orders so therefore be very careful in your duties because the people demonstrating are your own fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and the people to be killed, killed, missing/disappeared and sent on exiled are your own family.
Pa this is everybody's business because imagine what happened last week on Tabokoto—Tallingding highway when President Yaya Jammeh's convoy was passing one man was sitting in front of one of the shops and when his vehicle passes, all of a sudden some soldiers came down and tried to attack or beat that man for failing to stand up whilst the president was passing, can you imagine.
Fortunately, some people intervened and stood between them and it was later known and confirmed that the man in question came to look for medicine at the pharmacy because was sick and could not stand for long. So Gambians should make a stop to this by themselves and should not expect the United States of America or United Kingdom or the WEST to come and do it for them. God will even help you if you start helping yourself. So let us get up and stand for our rights now because now is the right time.
Finally Pa, you should all help and make it possible, everybody should spread the news, those in Dakar have a big role to play in spreading the news.
The Intelligence Officer

Editors note: The info below is coming from another source hinting about the number of death row inmates in the Gambia. Click the link and it will take you to the source of the statistical data.
LIST OF DEATH ROW (Mile 2 Central Prisons) INMATES

Les Gambiens sont PRETS a en doucoudre avec ce Dictateur Sanguinaire soit disant geurisseur de SIDA. Un FOU qui tue comme bon lui semble sans que personne ne bronche. Ca SUFFIT!

4.Posté par Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx le 24/08/2012 15:25 | Alerter
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Que fait le Sénégal pour protéger ses citoyens à l'étranger contre la barberie de tyrans comme Jameh. Les pays qui reconnaissent le caractère sacré de la citoyenneté interviennent pour protéger à tout prix leur citoyens qui ont des difficultés à l'étranger. Oui certains citoyens sénégalais sont des délinquants, des bandits de grands chemin, des criminels notoires. Mais la peine de la mort est abolie au Sénégal et nos autorités ne devraient pas accepter que des sénégalais soient exécutés à l'étranger, notamment à l'intérieur même de ses frontières à plus forte raison pour des accusations de délits mineurs.

5.Posté par Kadu Askanwi le 24/08/2012 15:25 | Alerter
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Peine de mort pour vente ou trafic de drogues?! Même les islamistes ne pourront allés plus loin!!! Mais bon! L'ambassadeur de la Gambie au Sénégal pense que c'est un dérapage de langage!

6.Posté par Wade le 24/08/2012 15:25 | Alerter
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kou rayy niit , nitt rayy la mais tué juste par ce que kil sont commis des éfractions pufffffffff , yaya vien au senegal tous ce que wade avé gracié sont devenu des agresseurs .

7.Posté par Sat le 24/08/2012 15:26 | Alerter
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slt que soit verifier car on a des dirigeant corrompuent ces 3 senegalais vaut plus que nos dirigeant et je vous dit que ils doivent tous etre executès nos dirigeants ils se croient en abris et que au fond de votre conscience vous savez que vous etes pas en abris nitt you boneyi dolene rousse framacon que vous etes je parle avec vous les soit disants illimunati de merde je vous denoncerez vous tous et je le jure devant dieu regardeez sur youtub le plus grand complot de l histoire du senegal ... vous comprendrez

8.Posté par kitani le 24/08/2012 15:26 | Alerter
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Nous demandons a nos parents senegalais de nous joindre pour manifester contre les ATROCITES de ce SANGUINAIRE venu par un coup d'etat depuis 18 longues annees sans FIN. Jammeh a perdu le nord.
Nous invitons la presse senegalaise d'etres presents a Banjul.

Proposed Demonstration against death penalty in the Gambia
By The NIA Intelligence Officer
Hi Pa,
The Intelligence Officer again with a message for the Gambian People because, I was approached by an executive member of a strong youth organization in KMC to seek advise on their plans to make peaceful demonstration to show their opposition to the implementation of the death penalty. He said he knows they will not be given permit by the Inspector General of Police (IGP) and they do not want to decline from their plans because they are willing to go ahead with their plans.
I confirmed to him that with the present situation on the ground and the confused status of the President, permission will never be given to you by any IGP so they should go as planned and start spreading the information in the country and outside for more support.
Pa, it is planned this way: they are urging everybody to assemble at Westfield from Tabokoto, Latrikunda, Tallinding, Kanifing Ebotown and Jeswang areas and people from beyond Tabokoto to Brikama end can take transport and join them along the way.
Another group will assemble at the Traffic Light Junction, whilst another group will assemble at theBurusubi Turn Table Junction. Pa, this is clear: the demonstration is peaceful and the all the groups will assemble by 1000 hours and start moving by 1100 hours and they will move in this way, the West field group will move to the American Embassy, the Traffic Light Junction group will be moving to the American Embassy to meet with the West field group and from there will proceed to the British Embassy in Fajara.
The Burusubi Turn Table Junction group will move straight to the African Center for Human and Peoples Rights to be joined by other people from Kerserign, Kololi, Kotu and the surrounding. The demonstration is planned to be held on Monday 03, of September 2012 and is for all Gambians to participate irrespective of tribe or religion.
The campaign rest in the hands of all Gambians especially the families whose loved ones are to be killed or detained, missing/disappeared, killed, forced on exiled, etc. They want every Gambian whether in the country or outside should call, text or communicate on facebook to convince each other to be out on this day especially those friends and families outside.
The politicians should be in the forefront of this noble intention to save lives. The followers of Bakawsu Fofana and Dino Hydara should not be left because I know they are eager to see their Imams.
I am a security officer and many of my colleagues are behind you especially the military, who are the number one victims of all atrocities committed by Yaya Jammeh and his government.
Warning to the security Agencies: be careful and be very sensitive to people’s rights to show their feelings peacefully, but we the security should only provide them with security and move with them.
A word of caution for the security chiefs that if you give any unreasonable orders you should know that you will be responsible for the outcome of your wrongful orders and the junior officers if you take any wrongful orders remember you will be judged separate from your boss who gave the orders so therefore be very careful in your duties because the people demonstrating are your own fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and the people to be killed, killed, missing/disappeared and sent on exiled are your own family.
Pa this is everybody's business because imagine what happened last week on Tabokoto—Tallingding highway when President Yaya Jammeh's convoy was passing one man was sitting in front of one of the shops and when his vehicle passes, all of a sudden some soldiers came down and tried to attack or beat that man for failing to stand up whilst the president was passing, can you imagine.
Fortunately, some people intervened and stood between them and it was later known and confirmed that the man in question came to look for medicine at the pharmacy because was sick and could not stand for long. So Gambians should make a stop to this by themselves and should not expect the United States of America or United Kingdom or the WEST to come and do it for them. God will even help you if you start helping yourself. So let us get up and stand for our rights now because now is the right time.
Finally Pa, you should all help and make it possible, everybody should spread the news, those in Dakar have a big role to play in spreading the news.
The Intelligence Officer

Editors note: The info below is coming from another source hinting about the number of death row inmates in the Gambia. Click the link and it will take you to the source of the statistical data.
LIST OF DEATH ROW (Mile 2 Central Prisons) INMATES

9.Posté par bine bine le 24/08/2012 15:27 | Alerter
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bethio aussi devait etre excecuté alors

10.Posté par Gege le 24/08/2012 15:27 | Alerter
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il n avait qu a faire leur sale trafic au senegal ...tu joue tu perd tant pis pour toi ........

11.Posté par minica le 24/08/2012 15:27 | Alerter
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ho ho africa siempre a tras como culo k pena penita

12.Posté par vick le 24/08/2012 15:27 | Alerter
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rien a foutre si tu prend meme de la coke vien pas nous en parler ici. c'est pas le sujet t trop con

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