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Tabara Samb exécutée, sa famille réclame son corps

Rédigé par leral.net le Jeudi 30 Août 2012 à 20:47 | | 2 commentaire(s)|

Tabara Samb exécutée, sa famille réclame son corps

1.Posté par kanilai le 31/08/2012 03:55 | Alerter
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Ne t’en fait mon cher Macky le vin est deja tire. Son feticheur lui a recommander de tuer 9 personnes pour rester au pouvoir : 7 hommes, une femme et un Imam, chose faite. Les erudits savent que le chiffre 9 est un chiffre mystique tout comme le chiffre 3,5,11,21,33,66,et 99. Jammeh avait envoyer ses tueurs la nuit du Leilatul Khadri chez L’Imam Bakawsu Fofana qui devrait etre la victime mais DIEU a sauver ce dernier qui se trouve a present refugie au Senegal le jour de Leilatul Khadri. Donc il fallait tuer le pauvre vieux prisonnier de 85 ans qui fut l’Imam de la prison a Miles 2 pendant plus de 25 ans detention.
Le feticheur qui lui instruit cette ATROCITE s’appele Diatou Koulou d’origine malien et actuellement heberge aux bureaux politiques du parti de Yaya Jammeh (APRC).
Voila toute la verite des executions mais Inchala DIEU ne Dort JAMAIS.

2.Posté par kanilai le 31/08/2012 04:50 | Alerter
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This is the Soldier. Sorry, we have been quite since last week. We are shocked and saddened as ALL GAMBIANS. This is a SAD time for OUR BELOVED COUNTRY. But is great to see that ALL GAMBIANS are rising up to the plate and are paving the way DICTATOR JAMMEH will go. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Pa, what The Soldier is reporting below is FACTUAL and content is very GRAPHIC. Tomorrow The Soldier will report to you and the world how THE MILE-2 NINE were slowly executed. As The Soldier reported, THE MILE-2 NINE were killed. Below is just a summary and tomorrow The Soldier will furnish more damning information.
Pa, as reported the MILE-2 inmates were picked up THUSRDAY night and MOVED to an unknown location. The DICTATOR JAMMEH himself MADE THE CALLS and no legal process was followed. It was all directives to the END. A check list was used to select the inmates. PA HARRY JAMMEH was the one having the checklist. Once the inmates were identified, they were put in a vehicle and moved to an unknown location. We are trying to find the location and will reveal it to you.
On their way to this location, DICTATOR JAMMEH called and issued a DIRECTIVE to SAUL BADJIE and team that they know what to do especially with the LADIES. Upon arrival to this location, the Senegalese LADY TABARA SAMBA was repeatedly raped and these instructions came from the DICTATOR. The other inmates were beaten and asked will they ever killed again. They were locked and guarded. But from The soldiers went to this location and raped THE SENEGALESE LADY OVER and OVER AGAIN. They cannot deny this. She asked for forgiveness and not to be raped, but these soldiers have no mercy.
THE DICTATOR ISSUED A DIRECTIVE that the inmates should be killed and the list of people below went to this unknown location and administered and witnessed the BARBARIC EXECUTION.
1. Minister of Interior OUSMAN SONKO was present
2. Minister of Justice LAMIN JOBATEH was present
3. Solicitor General PA HARRY JAMMEH was present
4. Dr TAMSIR MBOWE was present
5. SAUL BADJIE was present
6. SOLO BOJANG was present
Pa, tomorrow we will provide you more names and please keep this story handy for court purposes. We will make sure that these people face a COMMISSION.
Pa, the inmates were brought ONE by ONE and Dr. TAMSIR MBOWE and the three Cuban doctors administered the LETHAL INJECTION. Fellow GAMBIANS, please NOTE THAT Dr. TAMSIR MBOWE is a KILLER and Minister Ousman Sonko, Lamin Jobateh, Pa Harry and a lot of Para military were ALL PRESENT. Pa Harry was the one calling and marking the DEATH CHECKLIST.
When TABARA SAMBA was brought out, she fainted and when she woke up she kept on saying in WOLLOF BALAL MA, BALAL MA,BALAL MA, BULEN MA REI(forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, don't kill me). TABARA SAMBA, the Senegalese lady shouted that she have kids and let them forgive her, but Dr Tamsir Mbowe administered the LETHAL INJECTION. Pa, any future AUTOPSY on her will reveal the TRUTH. There was no FIRING SQUAD. Jammeh is lying, he is a KILLER. Dictator Jammeh, ONE DAY SOMEONE WILL DO THIS TO YOUR DAUGHTER MARIAM JAMMEH, THE SAME THING. How will feel if your daughter was raped, how you will feel.
Pa, others like ALIEU BAH was mocked and told if he will ever kill again. They beat him up before killing him. Pa HARRY will not deny this. PA HARRY you and your team, please, please, please GET READY.
Pa, after killing the inmates, dictator JAMMEH called and instructed that the dead bodies be dump at a pool full with crocodiles. Saul Badjie cannot deny this. THE SOLDIER was there. Pa Harry and team did not agree with this and decided to bury the bodies in an unknown location. The Soldier is trying to find out, WE WILL. Pa, this SUNDAY, dictator JAMMEH called SAUL BADJIE, CDS and the MARINES to make sure that there is SECURITY everywhere. JAMMEH said that he is not afraid of any invasion.
Pa, and fellow GAMBIANS, it is NJOGU BAH who wrote the presidential order to minister of interior for the execution of the inmates.
Pa, the GAMBIANS ambassador in Senegal has been asked to pack and GO. Due to this and the upcoming DAKAR demonstration, dictator JAMMEH who is a coward just returned to BANJUL. He does not trust the SENEGALESE, he is counting on the MFDC rebels but his time is OVER.
Pa, the following ministers MUST RESIGN ASAP.
1. Njogu Bah,
2. VP Isaou Njie Saidy
We are warning AXI GAI to be careful, you must resign and abscond. Pa, please ask the international community to investigate this story, we will help them find all the FACTS. Pa, please you and the rest work on a PLAN where a TRAVEL BAN can be imposed on the dictator and his team.
Pa, security is tight in the GAMBIA, and people are so down and crying every day. Pa, you will not believe this, radio stations such as CITY RADIO is on the air defending the killing of the inmates. The entire country is mourning and still in shock. There are all kinds of rumors, people are saying that he already killed everyone on death row. The Soldier cannot confirm this yet, but the SOLDIER can tell you that SABARA SAMBA and others died slowly and they suffered for a long time before dying. Pa, the Soldier himself will arrest Dr Tamsir Mbowe and Pa Harry Jammeh.

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