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Alioune Sarr, candidate for the 2024 presidential election: A risky bet?

Rédigé par leral.net le Jeudi 11 Mai 2023 à 15:56 | | 0 commentaire(s)|

Two years ago, Leral.net announced that former Minister of Tourism and Air Transport, Alioune Sarr, would run for the 2024 presidential election in Senegal. And this prediction seems to be confirmed with the announcement of his investiture by the coalition Convergence for a Progressive Alternative in 2024 (CAP 2024), which brings together several political and citizen movements, as well as militants from the Alliance of Forces of Progress (AFP).

However, this candidacy does not have unanimous support within the AFP. Indeed, Alioune Sarr is the only one with a divergent voice within the party, and he cannot count on the support of prominent figures such as Malick Diop or Mbaye Ndione. According to some, his candidacy is motivated by his exit from the government and his opposition to a new candidacy of Macky Sall.

But could Alioune Sarr really win the 2024 presidential election? This seems unlikely, especially due to the importance of the rural community of Notto Diobass, which would be his main stronghold. Certainly, this rural community is the largest in the Thiès region and one of the most populous in Senegal, with over 40,000 inhabitants and more than 15,000 hectares of agricultural land. However, this would not be enough to guarantee Alioune Sarr's victory, especially since he does not have the support of his own party.

Moreover, those close to President Macky Sall seem unconcerned about this candidacy. According to an Alliance for the Republic (APR) leader, Alioune Sarr is not followed by any senior AFP officials and was removed from the government for political reasons. In other words, he does not represent a real threat to the current government.

In conclusion, Alioune Sarr's candidacy for the 2024 presidential election seems to be a risky bet. He does not have the support of his own party or that of those close to President Macky Sall. And even if he can rely on the rural community of Notto Diobass, this would not be enough to guarantee his victory. The question remains whether this candidacy will at least have the merit of making a divergent voice heard in the Senegalese political debate.